Founder's Message
Parents are your primary relationship, the individuals responsible for your early stages of development, moral code, ethics, and ability to make choices. They form your world to a certain degree; no one else does that but God. There were times when the weight of not having both or even one of my parents, my source of unconditional love in this world, would be so heavy on my chest that I couldn't breathe. So often went through depression, believing God to take the pain away, back to anger and frustration. I didn't have help adjusting or dealing with the loss, and I don't have much help now. I want to make sure no one else feels the way I felt, which is why I believe God gave me the vision to start this non-profit. I created Allnette by combining my parents' names (Alonzo & Annette). My life has changed in ways I could have never imagined, and I know it is only God that I'm still in my right mind. When my father died, I was transitioning into high school, and the struggle was real. I felt left out and abandoned, but I still managed to hold it together because my mom was there. She returned to school, got her GED, then went to college and earned her bachelor's degree. She fought cancer and won and then died. Let me tell you; this devastated my entire world. I went into a deep depression. Insomnia, worry, doubt, anger, emotional eating, and weight gain. Not one time did people notice. I'm not saying that for sympathy I'm saying that if I felt that way, I'm sure many others feel that way that are suffering in silence. There's no handbook to dealing with the loss of a parent, but we sure can provide support and activities in addition to other resources to others in their time of need.